Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Schools Don't Change, The People in Schools Change

Years ago in a professional development session, I was fortunate to hear Todd Whitaker speak.  In his presentation, he made one of the most profound statements about improving schools that I've ever heard.  He simply said that "There are two ways to improve schools.  (1) Hire better teachers and (2) make the teachers you have better.  Great principals do both!"  He hit the nail on the head that the people in an organization are the most critical part to the success of the school.  I'd add to that profound statement that we could/should also add "Leadership" with teachers.  The two most significant factors that determine student success are great teachers and great leadership.  The question becomes "What do we do to build instructional leadership in schools (principals and teachers)?"

Over the course of the years, I've seen a great success rate with focusing on several factors that include:

     - Prioritized instructional leadership as the core function of the school leader. Develop teacher-leadership and leadership teams.  

     - Use student work and academic achievement data to inform decision-making.....based on standards.

     - Utilized frequent and targeted feedback loops with targeted practice to drive improvement and growth. 

     - Implemented change with a balance of drive and humility. Remember the "human" portion of everything we do.  A positive staff and student culture is critical.  

The important component of each of these four things that have demonstrated a great return on investment are the people that are implementing and carrying out these factors.  No improvement strategy can ever be more important than people.  Great teachers and great leadership are the two keys to the success of our schools.  We've known for several years that there was a teacher shortage and that the shortage would get worse.  Covid accelerated and increased the shortage.  Great leaders planned ahead and made sure that teacher recruitment and retention were at the top of their priority list.  Great leadership also realizes that teachers have been and will be the heart of a school's success.  The future of education will be decided by how we attract people into teaching, how we support all teachers, how we successfully we retain teachers, and how we hold our teachers in the high regard they deserve.  

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