Friday, October 29, 2021

Are We Doing The Right Things or Are We Just Doing Things Right?

Sometimes the questions asked by leadership are just as important as the answers we often give.  The questions we ask also show if we are leaders or managers.  How many times have we been focused on or seen people in leadership positions that constantly wanted to make sure everything was done "right"? This is a great question and it's definitely important to make sure things are done right.  But are we asking the important question "Are we doing the right things"? "Are we doing the things that'll get us to where we want to go?" 
In every school,  there are people that are so passionate about their work and helping children.  They're dedicated and work extremely hard.... just not on the things that will yield the greatest impact for the effort they put in.  This is why leadership is so important in making sure the team is doing the right things and not just doing things right.  Time is one of the most valuable resources we have and leaders must ensure we make the the most of the time we have.   What we focus on determines how much we improve and how fast we improve.  
We want to make sure we leverage our time and efforts. The science is out there, but we must put that science into practice.  Many times we don't have a problem in knowing,  but instead a problem of doing.  As leaders,  constantly ask yourselves and your team "Are we doing the right things,  is this right for us and right for us at this time, andis this going to get us where we want to get to?"  Then, don't be afraid to adjust as needed and put the science into practice.  Results are what counts! 

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