Monday, July 19, 2021

Gone to Carolina in My Mind

I've been blessed to have had the opportunity to serve as the Principal of McBee High School for the past two years. McBee High is blessed with an excellent team of teachers and staff. Over the past two years, the staff there has done some great things for students. They've reconciled the financial situation from being significantly in the negative to having every account in the positive, the facility has improved tremendously and is far cleaner, they achieved 100% CCR this year, the highest graduation rate in the school district, some of the highest EOC scores at the high school level, the middle school has the highest MAP growth scores in Reading and Math in the school district, expanded opportunities in both middle and high school, and both the Arts and Athletics programs have had tremendous successes. The teachers, staff, and students have truly done some awesome things!

Leaving a place and staff you love is a hard thing to do, but I know the staff at MHS will continue the commitment to making every decision around what is best for students and will have tremendous success this school year. Chesterfield County Schools made an outstanding choice in selecting Carolyn Caldwell as the next principal of McBee High and I know she's going to do great things.
This coming school year I will be transitioning to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in Regional and District Support (Division of Transformation) for the Sandhills region. I officially start on August 2, 2021. I look forward to working with a great team that is going to make a tremendously positive impact for many schools and districts, administrators, teachers and staff, and most importantly for students in NC. The knowledge and coaching I received from working with NCDPI as a principal has had a profoundly positive impact on my career. I'm blessed that NCDPI leadership had the trust and confidence in me to allow me the opportunity to serve in this capacity.

I will always be thankful and grateful for the opportunities I've had in Anson County Schools and Chesterfield County Schools. I'll always be indebted to the school and district leaders that took a chance on me, coached and mentored me, and all the people I've been blessed to work with over the years. It's been an unbelievable journey so far in being an administrator at all levels K-12 and in two states.

I've always felt that leadership is about service and helping others be successful. Woody Hayes was right that "You Win with People!" I’ve tried to live/lead by Dabo's philosophy that we are accountable to God for all the kids and teachers/staff he's given us an opportunity to impact! Ive always thought Bear Bryant had the perfect leadership philosophy...."If anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes good, we did it. If anything goes really good, then you did it. That's all it takes to get people to win games for you!" The heart of everything we do in education is all about relationships and People!

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