Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Will to Win - Rediscovery of Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Many people use the cliché “The Will to Win”, where the more applicable phrase is probably “The Will to Prepare to Win”.  Preparation is key in anything you do successful in life.  Winning is often the by-product of preparation, organization, and hard work.  We know that when people have to persevere and endure, they are more vested and dedicated to doing whatever it takes to be successful.  However, sometimes it's necessary to make adjustments on the fly.  I don’t give a lot of credit or validity to some of the things I often read on Facebook or social media, but a post from a colleague on a Principals Facebook group said a lot and really hits home about what educators are doing during the pandemic to make sure their students are successful.  Below is the post: 

I’m truly blessed to see this with teachers every single day, working diligently and reinventing the way they educate to try to meet the needs of ALL students.  Education is truly a noble profession and one where professionals make a difference, not just a living.  In the pandemic and all of the changes that have had to take place in 2020, the commitment of teachers and principals to make sure their students are safe and get a quality education has never waivered.  While the K-12 educational world was primarily brick and mortar prior to the pandemic, we've rediscovered excellence in teaching and learning through virtual, online, hybrid, and other models to do whatever it takes to give ALL children the best education we possibly can.  No matter the challenges we may face, we'll reinvent or rediscover ways to reach students.  That's "The Will to Win", that's the heart of an educator!  

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