Friday, July 17, 2020

What It's About!

We've spent a good deal of time this summer, as principals, examining our mission and vision with looking at what, how, and why.  I know a good number of staff always wondered "What's this about?" with requiring lesson plans a week in  advance, instructional feedback, Monday morning staff meetings before school, instructional PLCs, increasing the level of structure in school to protect instructional times, strict finance policies and guidelines, and always seeming to want to raise expectations.  In reflecting and reviewing material for the upcoming school year, I ran across something my brother Toby, who is a far better principal and leader than me, did with his staff several years ago.  I couldn't echo his sentiments any better in answering the question of "What It's About", but did add a couple of things to it that would resonate with staff.  This is what I plan to share with our staff at the close of our opening staff meeting for 2020-21 that gives them my reply to the question I'm sure they often had last year and explains the "why" of our expectations for the upcoming school year!

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